Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hungry Humpbacks!

The waters around Brier Island have been rich in feed and on a couple of recent cruises the herring and krill were so thick that the water seemed to almost be bubbling as the schools swam just below the surface. Birds and whales feasted on this ocean buffet, and the humpbacks were lunge feeding near the boat!

Late afternoon on July 12th this ocean sunfish was a visitor to the harbour, hanging around only a few feet from shore inside the floating dock area at Westport Fishermens' wharf. It is uncommon to see sunfish in the Bay of Fundy, and even more rare to see one so close to shore. They are found all over the globe, mostly in tropical and temperate waters. This fish was about 6 feet in length and very friendly... a few locals and tourists waded out into the water and observed it
up close! After the fish kept swimming in much too close to the beach, a local man escorted it out into the harbour, where it drifted out to sea with the Fundy tide.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Humpbacks are Here!

Humpbacks are now closer to Brier Island and there has been a lot of feed in the bay, namely krill and herring. Our cruises have watched the humpbacks lunge feeding and on the July 5th tour one whale treated us to a close visit as he swam right over beside the boat. He then spyhopped (poked head out of water), rolled around and played, much to the delight of everyone on board.